Engine Rebuilding And Cleaning

Engine rebuilding and cleaning begins with a meeting with you to determine what purpose you plan to use your rebuilt or custom built engine for. Will your engine be just a better performing daily driver, that fast and furious Saturday Night Special, maybe a Drag Race championship is in your plans or taking the checkered flag at the local dirt track is just what you’re looking for. Once this key element has been decided we will begin the tear down of your engine. A complete engine disassembly and inspection is performed in order to determine the serviceability of the engine block and all other engine components.
After the initial engine inspection we remove cam bearings, oil galley plugs and any other engine parts which might possibly be damaged in our 900+ degree Large Block Cleaning Oven. We heat cycle your engine for 3 hours then let it cool in the oven for an additional 8 hours (Why do we do this?). After your engine has completely cooled we glass bead your engine parets and run them through the spray tank removing any leftover media.
Your engine block is now ready to start the machine work process. Upon completion of all machine work ordered by you or deemed necessary to restore your engine to a safe operational state, we deep clean your engine block 2 more times.
Your engine is now attached to the appropriate engine stand for safe re-assembly on our temperature controlled Engine Assembly room. Any custom or necessary head work is performed and the engine assembly continues. Along the engine re-assembly process some parts may be painted. Some customers use this opportunity to apply custom colors to their engine blocks while others restore their engines back to original factory colors.
Your engine is now pre-oiled and taken to the Dyno Room for break-in, fine tuning and evaluation of performance based on our Dyno machine’s detailed readings. This process may require a few trial adjustments ensuring consistent maximum performance is achieved to your satisfaction. (Is every engine run videoed for the customer and is a sheet given to them with the Dyno performance report?).
Be sure to visit our Engine Machine Shop Gallery to see some of our engine rebuilding and cleaning projects. Whether a muscle car engine build or vintage engine restore, we would love to add some photos to our gallery of your engines back in those beautiful cars.